… which is exactly what may happen on Monday (Aug 28th) when the Moon is Void of Course from 10.39am until 8.49pm (both times BST)—in other words, pretty much the whole working day. There’s a couple of doozies in September, too.
Mundane and/or horary astrologers—and those with even a passing interest in same—will have read the term, ‘Void of Course Moon’ and its interpretation, ‘nothing will come of the matter’. To others it may just be an esoteric term to be glossed over. Well, not any more!
The Moon is said to be Void of Course when it has no further major aspects to be made before it leaves a particular sign. Major aspects are conjunctions, oppositions, squares, trines and sextiles. This state of affairs can last from a few seconds up to two and a half days—the approximate time it takes for the Moon to travel completely through one sign. It sounds a bit complicated but it’s actually quite easy once you’ve got your head round it. Let’s look at a couple of examples.

The Moon is in Scorpio and is square to Uranus over in Aquarius (Figure 1, above). It is at exactly the point of the square—from here the two bodies are separating. Also, from here the Moon is Void of Course because it doesn’t make a major aspect to anything until it enters Sagittarius where, apart from anything else, it has a whole raft of conjunctions in store.
On this particular occasion—it’s a real-world example—the Moon’s VoC period was 14 hours and 42 minutes. The next VoC period—after a conjunction of the Moon with Mercury in Capricorn—was just an hour and 24 minutes.
The two and a half day stretch doesn’t happen often. That occurs when most of the rest of the Zodiacal planets are all in one or two places. Let’s have another look.
This one has to be made-up as a real example isn’t easy to find. So, in Figure 2 put the Moon in Sagittarius. Then stick the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius and, for the sake of argument, Jupiter in Leo, Saturn

in Taurus and Pluto in Sagittarius. So, the Moon’s last aspect is to Saturn at the back end of Sagittarius, at which point it goes Void of Course. It gets into Capricorn a little later—and is Void of Course again immediately because there are no major aspects to be made until it enters Aquarius a couple of days and a bit further on.
So that’s the technical bit over and done with. But what does a Void of Course mean astrologically?
It’s a period when one should do ongoing stuff and get shot of unfinished business. Clearing out, finishing off and planning what to do next is also good. But don’t start any projects, don’t initiate any new schemes. Either they won’t get off the ground at all or they will start and then fizzle out. It’s sort of similar to retrograde Mercury but much shorter and a bit more general.
Ever wonder why that guy you met at the bar/pub/club seemed so promising at the start but any sign of attraction had gone the next day? It has to be said that some blokes should be left in dark places but that’s by the bye; the chances are that the Moon was Void of Course that night and it just wouldn’t work out.
Or the time when everyone in the office really got behind a new idea and pushed—and it still bombed? Either the idea wasn’t as good as it looked or you all got going when the Moon was Void of Course.
One other situation which is specific, I think, for writers, artists, musicians and any other creative types. You may find that doing anything at all is difficult during such a period and I have a theory. Because painting, composing, writing or even throwing a pot is continuous creation, rather than just starting a project and then letting it roll, you may find yourself short of inspiration or unable to settle to a job. I used to wonder why it was that I could stare at a blank piece of paper (nowadays it’s a screen) and get nothing all day—and then be writing furiously from 10pm onwards. Now I’d put it down to a Void of Course Moon period.
That’s apart from those infuriating times when brain-fade is the culprit—or ideas just stay away in droves!
Just in case you’re wondering, one may edit and correct ‘til the cows come home. That’s not creative.
So there you have it. Now you know about Void of Course Moons—and the little table (below) will show you when they are for the next three months so that you can observe and avoid them. But don’t try using them as an excuse for not doing something…
Void of Course Moon Periods September—November 2017 Please note: all times are GMT From To Date Time Date Time August 26 5.40am August 26 8.54am August 28 9.39am August 28 7.49pm August 31 4.43am August 31 8.20am September 2 4.31pm September 2 8.07pm September 5 5.17am September 4 5.29am September 6 8.30pm September 7 12.02pm September 9 3.53pm September 9 4.24pm September 11 0.55am September 11 7.30pm September 13 6.37pm September 13 10.13pm September 15 9.24pm September 16 1.10am September 18 0.56am September 18 4.53am September 20 5.31am September 20 10.07am September 22 1.06pm September 22 5.41pm September 24 7.34am September 25 4.02am September 27 11.09am September 27 4.25pm September 30 0.15am September 30 4.41am October 2 11.14am October 2 2.27pm October 4 7.20am October 4 8.41pm October 6 10.39pm October 6 11.57pm October 8 1.46pm October 9 1.46am October 10 10.26pm October 11 3.39am October 13 4.01am October 13 6.42am October 15 5.29am October 15 11.20am October 17 11.28am October 17 5.36pm October 19 7.13pm October 20 1.42am October 22 11.36am October 22 11.58am October 24 4.46pm October 25 0.13am October 27 5.24am October 27 1.00pm October 29 4.23pm October 29 11.47pm October 31 9.09pm November 1 6.44am November 3 3.04am November 3 9.47am November 5 9.30am November 5 10.27am November 7 10.41am November 7 10.46am November 9 5.15am November 9 12.30pm November 11 8.57am November 11 4.42pm November 13 3.46pm November 13 11.27pm November 16 0.51am November 16 8.20am November 18 11.43am November 18 7.00pm November 21 0.28am November 21 7.15am November 23 10.34am November 23 8.15pm November 26 2.38am November 26 8.05am November 28 12.10pm November 28 4.31pm November 30 6.36pm November 30 8.39pm