But you can call me Lion. Most people do.
I have no idea what sort of thing I’ll be posting but expect astrology, cars, NASCAR and things like that. And the odd rant.
I don’t do politically correct language. I try to make sure that everything has correct spelling and is grammatically sound, except when I’m making a point. Everything on here is only my opinion but as far as possible it will be factually correct. If something isn’t (and I’ve remembered to allow comments) please let me know. However, if you tell me I’m wrong because of what you heard from a bloke down the pub, please be warned that I will require evidence and/or proof of your claim before I make any changes.
Just for a little background, I started work as a tyre fitter. I then sold advertisement space on the local newspaper (the Stroud News & Journal), before moving on to do the same thing for a magazine called Safer Motoring which changed its name to VW Motoring. While I was there I changed hats, from Advertisement Manager to Sub Editor, which meant a drop in salary but rather more job satisfaction. It also got me noticed to the extent that I made another move, this time to VolksWorld magazine.
You may have got the idea, by now, that I was somewhat into VWs…
But things changed and I moved on to Trucking International. They needed an editor and I needed a job closer to home but it didn’t work out well. So that stopped.
Unemployment followed for a little while, living (hah!) on benefits while doing odd jobs to keep my hands and head occupied. I tried doing freelance work but that didn’t work out too well, either.
Then back to VolksWorld for a bit, on a freelance (hooray) basis, before another period of being jobless. I got caught up on a lot of reading…
… before I landed a job racing ’round the South-East of England delivering alarm systems, domestic and industrial, and the parts thereof. I have been White Van Man (choices were either a Ford Transit or a Vauxhall Cavalier, both diesel) and survived!
Six months of that and I got a call to go back to magazines, this time Prediction, sadly now defunct. That developed my interest in astrology, along with other subjects of an esoteric nature, and I stayed there until an enterprising woman decided that I was an ideal candidate for a job on a website for women, doing the astrology an’ stuff.
Well, maybe, but the website didn’t last long because the funding ran out. With the demise of that, I married the boss and we set up a book publishing company. That pretty much brings me up to date.
So now, as it says on the About page, I’m a bloke behind a number of computers who is currently re-learning how to build websites. That’s as well as keeping up with what goes wrong on our ageing vehicles, whichever computer is misbehaving (currently one dead Mac G5 and one overheating ditto) and getting round to fixing divers and sundry gadgets.
It’s good so far.